Born on the 4th of July

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Score: 22.67
Views: 135
Member: Pinetree3
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About This Image

Watching the 4th of July parade. Got tired of shooting the parade, and decided to get some shots of the observers. Originally shot in color and converted to Sepiatone. An attempt at street photography that looks like a portrait.


golda - Aug 02, 2009 02:26 AM EDT
Alex,this portrait could have been taken 100yrs ago.The use of sepia is the obvious,but nowhere in this image do I see any glimpse of modern times.A beautiful capture,highest scores from me.
talsi - Jul 26, 2009 08:54 AM EDT
Wonderful image/portrait. I love that dog.
Pinetree3 - Jul 26, 2009 04:18 AM EDT
Thanks for your comments. Yes, I have to agree that I've found their expressions so similar, that I am captivated each time I look at this. I was tempted to print this is color, to bring out the flag scarf, but all the other colors in the picture tended to distract the viewer from the main subjects.
Karen Moen - Jul 24, 2009 03:43 PM EDT
Beautifully captured moment--both funny and pensive. Well done!
bubbalinn - Jul 24, 2009 11:53 AM EDT
Excellent photo Alex! I really enjoy viewing and trying to take photos like this. This is a very fun photo that you can look at for a long time and read many different stories in it. There expressions are so similar like there from the country and uneasy around a lot of people. The sepia works really well, Great Job!!
A.Lovely - Jul 24, 2009 11:15 AM EDT
Wonderful capture Pinetree. I feel abit sad for the dogs heavy lead around it neck. The man and his dog have very soulful expressions. Good clarity and I feel that it was a good choice when you did this capture in sepia. It puts all the focus on your subject. Wonderful capture of two watching the parade.

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