Bodie Island Lighthouse

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Score: 17.2
Views: 361
Member: Tanya
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Bodie Island Lighthouse, Outerbanks, NC at sunset.


Tanya - Jul 10, 2008 09:52 AM EDT
Thank you for the comments. This has to be my favortie out of all the lighthouses that I have seen. My husband (when he was just my fiance) worked for the Park Service at the Outerbanks for 2 years. So it's like a 2nd home to him. We try to go every year, sometimes multiple times. We had been off shore fishing out of Oregon Inlet on this particular day. I had been up since 3 a.m. and a little sea sick for the better part of the day, I was so tired. On the way back to Nags Head, I glanced over and saw the light hitting Bodie and screamed GO TO THE LIGHTHOUSE. I think hubby about wrecked us! Due to us being on the boat all day, I didn't have anything with me other than a pentax optio (the pocket size point and shoot digital 8mp) which I braced on the hood of the car.
TravlynWomyn - Jul 09, 2008 08:01 PM EDT
An excellent capture of this beautiful light, Tanya. I really like the sun bouncing off her. We Workamped down the road from there at Camp Hatteras in 2005 - Such a beautiful area and so much to see and do. Vicki
whittler113 - Jul 09, 2008 05:46 PM EDT
What a pretty shot with the evening sun on the lighthouse,great shot.

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