Blue Marlin Dream

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About This Image

My sons pride and joy, all 20 foot of it, his dream is to catch marlin this year, The name is my father's nick name, My Son rang and asked if I minded him using his name, I had no problem, I hope my dad watches over him and brings him home safe after every trip.


Guest - Dec 24, 2006 04:54 AM EDT
It is a very nice boat, it was brought out from Florida Early 2006, our son is just fishing mad and has all the gear for it, he seems to do quite well, and we always get a bit of nice fresh cod when ever he goes out, there is nothing like fresh fish, thanks for the comments and looking in. Merry Christmas to all.
Guest - Dec 24, 2006 12:55 AM EDT
What a thrill it must be to have your own boat for deep sea fishing. Looks like a beautiful boat.

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