Blue Lady

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Score: 17.13
Views: 297
Member: Thor-eye
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About This Image

A garden Sculpture of a blue lady.

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Guest - Nov 16, 2005 01:37 AM EDT
Hi Alandra, Sorry haven't been on my site lately. Hope you are well. This little lady is about 30cm high (maybe a foot high), she's a piece for teh garden and she moves around as the plants grow.
Guest - Nov 10, 2005 01:06 AM EDT
Oh, she's gorgeous! How on earth did I miss this one til now! How tall is the Blue Lady? Would love to have one for our front patio, have never seen one like that, love her.
Guest - Jul 27, 2005 02:34 AM EDT
Well, I didn't even need to arrange this sculpture. She was the perfect model, didn't complain. This is her home in our garden and her true colours. She's just beautiful!
Guest - Jul 27, 2005 12:35 AM EDT
Your use of colour is good Mel. I'm real proud of your photos. Keep it up.
Guest - Jul 26, 2005 01:35 PM EDT
Thanks Carol. She was a birthday present for my Hubby from his Sister.
Guest - Jul 26, 2005 05:31 AM EDT
Nice garden Sculpture!!! Carol

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