Bloom And Bug

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Member: bubbalinn
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With noticing that flowers seem to be a popular subject here, I went out in my parents yard here in Barstow, California and did some bloom hunting. I have no idea what this plants name is or what the fly looking dude is. I'm a little out of practice taking flower shots, so today I'm going to be on a flower search were ever I go.


Guest - Aug 05, 2006 06:48 PM EDT
Thanks Carol and Whittler.. Glad you liked my flower photo. That bloom is around the size of your finger. You could squish the whole bloom between your thumb and finer. I did not even notice the bug until I downloaded the shot. He was really Little..
Guest - Aug 05, 2006 02:46 PM EDT
WOW!! very pretty flower.
Guest - Aug 05, 2006 01:23 PM EDT
Beautiful flower,great photo.Hope you find lots of flowers they are my favorite photos on here.I love flowers. Carol

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