Blind Raccoon with Baby

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Member: alandrapal
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Blind Mama raccoon with her new baby, in the little waterway on our front patio. Captured from open front window. Am surprised the baby didn't take off when the screen was removed from window, but as its mother didn't show fear of us, guess the baby didn't either.
This image gives a better idea of how small the baby is, compared to mother.


alandrapal - Aug 07, 2008 04:53 AM EDT
thanks to all of you for your nice comments and interest, Ann, Karen, Beverly and Alex D. Yes, Alex, she makes her rounds each day :) I went out front tonight after we got home, and saw her wandering away from our front doorstep with the baby in tow. We hadn't seen her earlier today, as we were out, so guess she came looking for us. The baby rushed off and hid in our garden somewhere,when it heard me open the front door, which is good. Have also wondered about cataracts, Karen, and sometimes think maybe she has a bit of sight, but then she will bump into something with her nose, and back off to go around it, - so guess she can't see.
Pinetree3 - Aug 07, 2008 02:42 AM EDT
The blind racoon lived to tour around again this year...and with a new baby. Wow. Great shot.
talsi - Aug 05, 2008 11:23 AM EDT
So touching.
Karen Moen - Aug 04, 2008 02:01 PM EDT
Another beautiful shot of your garden wildlife. I wonder if she has cataracts? She might have partial vision to help her get around. Looks like it would be a handicap for raising babies but she is lucky to have your help.
A.Lovely - Aug 04, 2008 10:47 AM EDT
Nice composition of the Mom and child. Such a wonderful photograph to view.
sparkle1103 - Aug 04, 2008 10:14 AM EDT
Such a great natural shot. I am so glad she had a baby this year. Does it splash in the water.
Cindy - Aug 04, 2008 08:31 AM EDT
Blind mama has become quite a star and glad to see she now has a new baby. Motherhood must feel so great for her.

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