Black Squirrel with Chestnut - Signs of Autumn

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Member: alandrapal
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About This Image

black squirrel holding a horse chestnut beside our driveway, - what they do is "arrange" the large chestnut so that they can carry it in their mouths the best way possible, - they turn the chestnut until their teeth can grip a softer part of the nut properly, then they rush off to hide the chestnut : )
captured from the open front window with telephoto lens


An answer from an ex

Neveah - Apr 19, 2016 11:13 PM EDT
An answer from an expert! Thanks for cotnuibrnitg.
A.Lovely - Oct 28, 2011 12:53 PM EDT
Nice capture of this black squirrel,Alandra. He does look quite content sitting there preparing for the winter weather.
Guest - Jan 05, 2007 06:21 AM EDT
thanks Tania, that's very sweet of you :) Am going to be up and running soon again, with my desktop (let's hope). Am afraid I've lost quite a lot of photos etc.
Guest - Jan 04, 2007 03:31 PM EDT
Alandra they are all new to me. You have so many wonderful photos I think it would take me a year to look at each one properly. We are all looking forward to you submitting more photos.
Guest - Dec 28, 2006 03:00 AM EDT
thankyou Tania for continuing to look at and comment on my pics, even tho' it's awhile since I submitted any. appreciated :)
Guest - Dec 27, 2006 10:39 PM EDT
Alandra this is such a funny photo. The way he is sitting is fantastic. Well captured. Fantastic wildlife in Canada
Guest - Oct 07, 2006 03:16 AM EDT
thanks both of you, Don and Beverly. I liked the way the light is shining thru his little ears in this shot also : )
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 11:16 PM EDT
Nice job with the squirrel and his nuts. I like his little pink ears.
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 10:22 PM EDT
Great capture! He looks happy and comfortable. Very nice shot! Don
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 09:01 PM EDT
thanks May, - interesting about the naked grey squirrels also, have never seen those. The black squirrels fur seems so nice and shiny.
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 08:05 PM EDT
Alandra - I've never seen a black squirrel. What a beautiful animal. I've raised naked grays and reds, but no fox squirrel, which is native here, nor a black. Great shot.
Guest - Oct 06, 2006 07:15 PM EDT
Great capture of the squirrel! Carol

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