Bianca at the Drums

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Member: Lulu
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As requested, a photo of Bianca playing her drums that she got for Christmas in 2006. She is in her second year of lessons. Unfortunately, the room they are situated in is small, dark and not very good for taking photos. We decided to drag it into the paddock and get some original shots of her playing it in the long grass. It was hot outside and you can see the rippling on the side of the bass drum from the heat. Luckily its gone back to normal now that its cooled down.


Guest - Jun 19, 2007 07:06 AM EDT
This is great. Very creative. My teen is getting drums for his upcoming birthday. I wish I had a paddock I could put him in to practise :) And what a beautiful photogenic girl you have
Guest - Feb 13, 2007 12:54 AM EDT
Thanks for viewing them Mel. Yes, you will have to come out and hear her play sometime.
Guest - Feb 12, 2007 07:13 PM EDT
Wow, cool shots Lulu. What a great idea to take the drums out. I so would love to hear her play sometime soon. Hope you are doing well, Mel.
Guest - Feb 08, 2007 03:17 AM EDT
Thanks for leaving a comment Don - I'll be sure to let Bianca know that everyone thinks she looks cute. She will be so embarrassed (everything embarrasses a 12 year old!). Tania, you of all people should know what a talented family we are. Just kidding. Hope Dean is feeling better with the broken foot.
Guest - Feb 07, 2007 11:33 PM EDT
Lulu. fantastic shot. Bianca is full of tallent.
Guest - Feb 07, 2007 08:54 AM EDT
Great shot of Bianca playing her drums! She looks very cute in it. I was thinking like Steve, banned to the back field due to the noise :-). Don
Guest - Feb 07, 2007 02:09 AM EDT
Thanks for your kind comment Alandra. Everyone asks us why we got her a drum kit for chirstmas but the truth is that we really enjoy hearing her play.
Guest - Feb 06, 2007 04:11 PM EDT
great shot of Bianca, as always :) and I also love the cap. Drums are great also. Our next door neighbour's son plays drums, and we hear them playing quite often when he and his pals get together. Bianca could probably give them some lessons :) Initially, all we heard was the same "roll" over and over again, lol, but it's improved a bit since :)
Guest - Feb 06, 2007 03:38 AM EDT
Funny you say that Steve because the room where the drums are situated is in the paddock - quite a way from the house! We do have the guitars and amp in the house though so my husband has to put up with those. We enjoy listening to Bianca play the drums but as it is the school holidays, she hasn't had lessons and needs some new material to practice as she's mastered everything she has. It seems the paddock and its long grass has come in handy for a few photo shoots watch this space, there could be more :-)
Guest - Feb 06, 2007 03:11 AM EDT
Great shot! And here's me thinking that you'd banned Bianca to the paddock 'cos of the noise!
Guest - Feb 06, 2007 01:34 AM EDT
Hi Mary. Yes, Bianca classes herself as a "rocker". The drum kit is a full size rock kit. Its a load of fun. Both Bianca and I also play Bass guitar and I play rhythm guitar and used to play piano. Bianca is trying out for her school rock band this year but is also keen on playing the saxophone. Just like her ballet, I don't see her giving up on lessons any time soon.
Guest - Feb 06, 2007 12:36 AM EDT
Hi Lulu...nice shot, classy drum set and love the cap! Is Bianca a rocker? Tell her good luck and keep up with the lessons. :)

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