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Member: gminniss
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Marsha's paternal grandmother. I see some resemblance between Marsha and Bessie.


Guest - Mar 25, 2005 02:11 AM EDT
Marsha does a superb job on these old photos, Gary. This one is breathtaking in the incredible pose and needlework of her dress
Guest - Mar 24, 2005 07:59 PM EDT
Thanks, Alandra and Carol. It is so much fun finding these treasures! We watched a movie the other night about Cole Porter. Everyone was dressed very elegantly. We both loved it, even though it was a sad ending. Also, the musical numbers were quite incredible. The name of it is "DeLovely". It's out on DVD.
Guest - Mar 24, 2005 11:57 AM EDT
BEAUTIFUL LADY, so ellegant looking. Carol
Guest - Mar 24, 2005 04:48 AM EDT
yes, feel the same way, Gary, - and you wonder how they had "time" to think about their appearances as they seem to have done, as there weren't the labour saving devices that we have these days, and their clothes were quite elaborate and would have needed quite a bit of care/upkeep. Interesting thoughts these lovely photos generate, right.
Guest - Mar 24, 2005 04:02 AM EDT
Portrait of a beautiful lady. Very nice.
Guest - Mar 24, 2005 03:06 AM EDT
This is a retouch job that Marsha did, by hand, for herself. I'd forgotten about it and just found it today. The print is much larger, so I had to cut some off in order to scan it. I like the style too. I think people were more concious of looking elegant in those days.
Guest - Mar 24, 2005 02:50 AM EDT
an outstanding "oldie" portrait of a lovely lady in a pensive mood. Love the style of her hair and her clothes, altogether beautiful
Guest - Mar 24, 2005 01:39 AM EDT
I do think she is nice looking and thoughtful.

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