Bellac bridge 3

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Member: sgbrown
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The final version, this time correctly interpreting what Giorgio was suggesting. Different, although I'd be fibbing if I said it was my favourite version!!


Guest - Jan 22, 2007 04:54 PM EDT
Thanks TravlynWomyn and happy snapper - glad you liked this manipulation.
Guest - Jan 22, 2007 03:35 PM EDT
Great reflection shot nice work.
Guest - Jan 20, 2007 10:58 PM EDT
I noticed the inverted reflection immediately, but definitely like the image. Nicely done, Steve
Guest - Jan 20, 2007 06:12 PM EDT
Thank you Golda, but the credit for the inventiveness must go to Giorgio!
Guest - Jan 20, 2007 02:27 PM EDT
This image is very Salvador Dali.Interesting and inventive.
Guest - Jan 20, 2007 04:35 AM EDT
Thanks one and all for your comments. I think this is probably the first "joint" photo on TLF! So a particular thank you to Giorgio for coming up with the idea in the first place. As he says, sometimes it's fun to manipulate an image, or to present it in an unusual way. In this case the idea of inverting a reflection was one I'd already applied to one of my shots of the Chateau de Ris-Chauveron, also on TLF.
Guest - Jan 20, 2007 03:00 AM EDT
different and good but i like the others that been posted
Guest - Jan 20, 2007 02:34 AM EDT
Steve, yes, let's say this is something different. Just an experiment. As I said I am against exagerated manipulations but sometimes is fun.. just keeping in mind that we are leaving the reality for the fantasy
Guest - Jan 19, 2007 09:27 PM EDT
Great shot Steve.
Guest - Jan 19, 2007 06:34 PM EDT
Very nice Steve. I just realized that the image was upside down. I didn't notice that in the smaller version giorgio posted. I really like closing in on the bridge so it is the center of attention without distraction. I'm not 100% sure if I like it inverted. It is a beautiful image Steve, non the less. Don

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