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Member: Lulu
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Have been trying for a while now to get a decent shot of a bee. Now that spring is fast approaching, its brighter outside and I can get some closer shots that I couldn't before.


Guest - Apr 23, 2006 10:26 PM EDT
Thanks Talsi. It gets a bit harder to get shots like this now that it is nearly winter and over-cast all the time. I think that I may have to invest in some lenses for my camera. The only trouble is that I prefer to stay inside by my fireplace )with the cat) when its cold outside.
Guest - Apr 22, 2006 11:13 PM EDT
Beautiful capture of the flower and bee.
Guest - Sep 17, 2005 05:27 PM EDT
We agree,with all the above comments,lovely side on shot, you have a lot in focus, well done persevering to get a great bee shot-you nailed this one.
Guest - Aug 23, 2005 02:26 PM EDT
Thanks Tania and Alandra for your great comments. In fact, my head is starting to swell with all this praise. I have practised shots like this for a while now so am pleased I finally got one. The others I took that day are okay but all you can see of the bee is its little back end hanging out of the flower centre. I have discovered that I need lots of light to be able to get a good macro on my camera. I only found this out by playing around one day when I was frustrated that I couldn't get a decent closeup. Trouble is, now I have figured out how to do it, I have lots of closeups of the bits of my cats faces :-)
Guest - Aug 23, 2005 11:54 AM EDT
not sure how I missed all these earlier. this is excellent, Lulu. great detail. and the colours of the flower are so delicate and pretty. I have yet to get a good bee shot.
Guest - Aug 23, 2005 04:06 AM EDT
Luu this is a very dificult shot and YOU DID IT the photo is clear the colours of the flower are soft and there are amaising texture, colours, and levels of interest in this photo truley beautiful
Guest - Aug 22, 2005 12:34 AM EDT
Thanks Mel, Fella and KM for your comments. Its really flattering when people put such nice comments on photos is your gallery. Especially ones that you are proud of yourself as everyone sees art in a different form. This was quite hard to photograph as you can see, the centre of the flower was in shadow. I'm wondering though why the bee only has one antennae. Will look at my other photos to see if it does have two and one is just hidden.
Guest - Aug 22, 2005 12:28 AM EDT
This is really nice. The soft colors of the flower make a pretty background.
Guest - Aug 22, 2005 12:21 AM EDT
great shot lulu .a your coming into spring were lookin at fall here soon
Guest - Aug 21, 2005 03:40 PM EDT
Hi Lulu, this is lovely. Well done, it's so pretty and delicate. Keep it up.
Guest - Aug 21, 2005 03:35 AM EDT
Thanks Shirree. I'm kind of proud of this one. I took about four though and this is the only one that really turned out decent.
Guest - Aug 21, 2005 03:28 AM EDT
What a beauty! This is great Lulu. I'm very envious - well done!

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