Banded Hummingbird

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Score: 19.36
Views: 216
Member: golda
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About This Image

I was lucky enough to get a picture of a hummer that has been banded in the annual hummingbird count.The members of the hummingbird banding group have gotten very excited about this,and have asked if they can trap the bird, to check the band completly to see what it's number is, so they can track it's movements.


golda - Mar 24, 2009 01:13 AM EDT
Hi Alandra,thanks for looking in.The idea of actually catching the bird, was kind of like finding a needle in a haystack,and once the guy showed up, there was so much to watch, that he forgot all about the catching lark.
alandrapal - Mar 24, 2009 01:06 AM EDT
Hi Claudia, have only just found this one, really nice image. Did they ever catch the banded hummer?
Jas - May 07, 2008 05:17 PM EDT
How interesting to read about the banding of the hummingbirds. You've captured a lovely profile of this one Golda; the larger image shows of his feather detail beautifully and you can see some of the inscription on the band around his leg too. Great shot! :)
golda - May 06, 2008 09:00 PM EDT
Thanks so much Whit,and yes,I would say "hooked"is the right word.
whittler113 - May 06, 2008 03:08 PM EDT
Congratulations on another nice shot of the elusive hummer Golda,its good to see another member is getting hooked on hummers.
golda - May 04, 2008 07:42 PM EDT
Thanks so much Carol.I have a new found respect for these birds now that I have entered into their world a little.
shutterbug - May 04, 2008 07:33 PM EDT
What a great photo of the Hummer, you were very lucky to capture the banded one and this will help the banding group learn about this little beauty. Carol

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