Bald Eagle - Wondrous Wings

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Member: alandrapal
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another capture of the Bald Eagle, but this was taken near Boundary Bay while we were dog walking in a field near the beach. The Eagle came flying in from over the Bay someplace, heading West towards the nesting area, probably.


Guest - May 11, 2006 09:50 PM EDT
yep, that's what I did, Fella, with the latest shots, set it on the Action setting and A1servo, and get the 24 shot burst, amazing. Someone had told me about the Alservo when taking the snowy owl pics, but I was so new with the camera, and the manual didn't explain it as easily as when I "just played with the cam and did it myself" while waiting for DH recently. So have been using that ever since. I love it.
Guest - May 11, 2006 09:44 PM EDT
yes indeedy ..with every lens ya get for this awesome cam ..opens up all new worlds especially the small world if ya get a macro lens ..been thinkin of gettin a fisheye lens myself ..i tend to use all the settings for wildlife i like the action setting for the eagle shots for the fast shutter speed and ya get the continous 24 shot burst..comes in handy to catch them in mid air just pan in try to keep them in the lens ..before ya know it ya shot off 50 to 200 shots easy with the burst this cam has ..fella
Guest - May 11, 2006 04:23 AM EDT
thanks again : ) - have been wantin' to letcha know,Fella, and waiting to see you back here as knew you'd be interested. You are so right, - I am experiencing exactly what you wrote re the joy, and hardly a day passes that I don't say how happy I am with the decision. And am esp excited about just chancing on the "AlServo" setting a few days ago, while waiting on hubby at the building supply centre LOL, sitting in the vehicle playing with the cam settings, - suddenly trying it out on passing cars, then planes flying into the airport - amazing - opened up a whole new world of pic taking : )
Guest - May 11, 2006 02:42 AM EDT
goood for you ..lotsa stuff to learn with this cam..a investment ..but worthwell..with the joy n pics y get ..enjoy fella
Guest - May 11, 2006 01:59 AM EDT
good to see you back again, Fella, - many thanks for the nice comments, glad you like the pics. Copied you with the camera : ) was so impressed with your shots.
Guest - May 10, 2006 10:10 PM EDT
WOW alandra ..yr getting some great shots off ..great great herron pics to owls ta eagles to little birds ..xcellant shots too ..been busy with work havnt been able to get out and take a few ..ya get a new cam ..some awsome shots ya got ..fella

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