Back side of Main Building on Ellis Island

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The Main Building is the only one that has been fully restored so far, although the Ferry terminal Building should be reopened in the near future. The building to the right leads to more dormitories and a huge kitchen. The low, gray, 'walls' meander throughout this beautiful garden area - the names of more than 12 million immigrants are etched on their surfaces. I did find my mother's name, but had to get back as our ferry was approaching to take us back to New Jersey. This is a fun way to see all the names, but a visit to is another. Through this site you can even find the names of the ships they sailed on to get here.


Guest - Sep 14, 2007 10:10 PM EDT
Thank you for your comments Mary and Ikka. I was asked to do that with my Outer Banks images two years ago, Mary - just never seem to have quite enough time to focus properly. I'm glad you enjoyed this beautiful building too, Ikka
Guest - Sep 14, 2007 05:21 PM EDT
another Masterpiece! Well done.
Guest - Sep 14, 2007 12:40 PM EDT
Beautiful shot and thanks for taking the time to add the historical information Vicki. I like the "NF". I think it would be nice to put these in a special book or scrapbook/coffee table book.

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