Back Packing In Korea

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Member: bubbalinn
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About This Image

This photo was taken in Korea while I was serving my country in the Army. This is how the Korean women would carry small children around from just walking, to working in the fields. The little girl in the red pants did not want to go any farther. It is amazing how fast time as gone by. The children in this photo are now around forty some years old. Oh by the way my old film Pentax Spotmatic II still works and I'm still moving.


bubbalinn - May 07, 2008 10:18 PM EDT
Hi Alandra, Thanks for your nice comment. Hey it only took me three years to say thanks ROFL.. Time sure flies when your having fun.
Guest - Jul 30, 2005 01:25 PM EDT
nice and also interesting shot. The child looks as if she's about to have a tantrum : ) - can't help noticing the "light" or soft shoes the mother is wearing.

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