Baby Vincent

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Views: 197
Member: buzymomof2
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About This Image

This is another test from a newborn shoot I did in October. I'm taking a stab at creating birth announcements.


Guest - Jan 04, 2007 02:23 PM EDT
Thank you Alandra and Talsi for viewing. Yes, Lorraine, you are correct. I love taking photos of baby feet with the parents wedding rings on to show how tiny they are. The parents always love this photo. Thanks again! Shawna :)
Guest - Jan 04, 2007 05:39 AM EDT
I also saw those Alandra and assumed they were rings, just to show how small his feet were, I've seen it done with little prem's over here, ?
Guest - Jan 03, 2007 12:14 PM EDT
A truly beautiful job.
Guest - Jan 03, 2007 03:09 AM EDT
this is so sweet. I like the effects in this one also. Excuse my question :) but what are the little clips on the babe's toes? Maybe it was taken in the hosp and it was some type of testing equipment?
Guest - Jan 02, 2007 11:59 PM EDT
Thank you Lorraine, Tania and Don for your wonderful comments!!! It's so much fun to create these. I will keep practicing and hopefully I can offer these as an additional service. Thank you again!! ~Shawna
Guest - Jan 02, 2007 10:15 PM EDT
Perfect job! This one is my favorite, they are all very nice though. Just beautiful, Don
Guest - Jan 02, 2007 05:34 PM EDT
I agree totally with Lorraine. You are a natural. You keep inventing and we will keep going WOW!!!!!!
Guest - Jan 02, 2007 03:44 PM EDT
I dont think you have to worry about taking a stab, I think you have nailed it just fine, totally love what you are doing.

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