Baby Squabs

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About This Image

Every so often dove parents leave the nest either to exchange roles, or for extensive foraging. In those periods I have an opportunity to capture a photograph of the squabs. Here the two Mourning Dove squabs, about a week old, sit patiently for their parents return.


viva no one

ArturoAluro - Sep 27, 2022 11:11 AM EDT
pigeon derelict disillusion uncouth libertarian dazzle
Guest - May 23, 2005 03:30 PM EDT
This is a great shot of the less attractive stage of their development. I have hand raised these birds when they fell from a nest and they are quite docile and actually become quite tame.
Guest - May 21, 2005 11:48 PM EDT
They are pretty defenseless. They are also pretty inactive. The sit there all day, occassionally shifting their position. The time they are most active is during feeding (Morning & evening). At that time they are in a mini-feeding frenzy with the parent feeding both at the same time. Fortunately, I have not had to serve as their protector. Cats are not a problem here, and the nest is located in such a way to keep them from the preying eyes of other birds (like hawks or owls). Nonetheless, I keep a close eye on them. Maybe, too close. I think their parents would prefer I stop photographing them (at least twice a day), but seem fairly tolerant. (At least they don't have to pay rent).
Guest - May 20, 2005 09:27 PM EDT
Really, really, really pretty :) I'm so glad that this little family is growing so well under your care.
Guest - May 20, 2005 05:22 PM EDT
they look so defenseless. Are you being kept busy, - do you have to keep watch for cats that might find the nest, while the parents are away?

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