Baby Bunny Ventures Outside

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Score: 35.15
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Member: TMR8
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About This Image

These little guys have won my heart. I was not happy to find out Thumpa was expecting little ones but now they are here I want to keep them all.


TMR8 - Dec 28, 2008 02:45 AM EDT
Thanks Gav and Whittler These little guys are fun to watch but are getting harder and harder to catch the faster they get lol
whittler113 - Dec 12, 2008 06:31 PM EDT
What a cute little guy,great shot.
GAV - Dec 11, 2008 02:56 AM EDT
Tania, he, she it is gorgeous, Didn' t think they would be so big already. What a beautiful baby.
TMR8 - Dec 09, 2008 03:40 PM EDT
Sparkle and Pixelpame thank you both so much for your comments. Sparkle thank you for that Idea I might have to get on to it and get it ready now before I forget. I might even do a series of the six of the babies lol. I am looking forward to the Cook Islands with my little underwater camera. I am nervous of the ocean but get in there to enjoy the stunning sights.
Pixelpame - Dec 09, 2008 03:34 PM EDT
Hi Tmr8, so your the bunny girl. That pix is getting a lot of attention. Thank you for the nice comments on my images. You are so lucky to be going to the Cook Islands. Good luck, you will have amazing opportunites to get lots of great shots!
sparkle1103 - Dec 09, 2008 03:25 PM EDT
Oh how darling. You should make an Easter card with this one. Just add a few colored eggs. The picture is so clear and crisp.
TMR8 - Dec 08, 2008 04:08 PM EDT
Cindy Alandra Babbalinn and Talsi thank you all so much. this is the only bunny that plays up for the camera the others all run away and I just capture their backsides up in the air lol.
talsi - Dec 08, 2008 01:45 PM EDT
He's so cute - nice image of him sitting amoung the flowers
bubbalinn - Dec 08, 2008 12:03 PM EDT
What a beautiful little bunny.. I also agree with Cindy, the grass, daisys, and those sparkling eyes are wonderful. What a really fun photo... I can see how they have stolen your heart.
alandrapal - Dec 08, 2008 06:45 AM EDT
I agree with Cindy, Tania, this is adorable. I had a black rabbit as a young girl, just before we left England. Had to give it to a school friend when we left. Cindy, good to see your comment here, - was thinking about you all just a couple days ago. How are you all?
Cindy - Dec 08, 2008 04:32 AM EDT
This photo is the cutest of cute. Its so perfect with the lush green grass, the snow white daisys and the cute little black bunny with the big sparkly eyes, its adorable.

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