Baby Bunny 1st outside outing

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Member: TMR8
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About This Image

This is the first time the 6 babies have ventured out of their hutch. They were so funny as they leapt and ran around eating anything and everything


TMR8 - Dec 09, 2008 03:42 PM EDT
Thank you Sparkle I was not a bunny person until my daughter decided that was what she was going to choose for her pet. Now we have 8 of the little darlings. Dad was fixed before the babies were born. I regret that decision lol. It is however for the best.
sparkle1103 - Dec 09, 2008 03:25 PM EDT
Oh so beautiful. He is so cute.
TMR8 - Dec 08, 2008 04:05 PM EDT
I thing we may do lol. We have got homes for 3 and 3 to get homes for. I dont want to give them up so we may have to take photos of all of them and get TLF to name them for us lol.
bubbalinn - Dec 08, 2008 12:41 PM EDT
Another great photo of the cute little bunny.. I really like all of the flowers surrounding him or her. So do you need help picking some names? LOL...

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