Audubon Park Lagoon

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Member: Dudley
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This is the Audubon Park Lagoon in New Orleans. It is just as beutiful now as it was then even though Katrina did hit it. Nature is resilient.



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Guest - Feb 14, 2006 06:50 PM EDT
Thanks, I had almost forgotten about this picture. Some of these trees are gone due to the mean lady but most remain.
Guest - Feb 14, 2006 06:06 PM EDT
I really like the framing from the trees it draws your eyes to the center of interest, and the lovely reflections. Nice Job! ~Jeannette~
Guest - Sep 19, 2005 03:18 PM EDT
I do not believe this is so beautiful any more. I almost cry to think of it but it will grow back.
Guest - Sep 19, 2005 09:57 AM EDT
Yes Dudley you do live close to some pretty places..Thanks for sharing them..Your framing with the branches caught my eye on this one.
Guest - May 31, 2005 11:10 AM EDT
Thanks. I am lucky to live so close to pretty places like this so to be able to share them with you is even luckier.
Guest - May 25, 2005 11:26 PM EDT
Lovely place,great shot.
Guest - Dec 29, 2004 12:03 PM EDT
You would not be able to kayak far. The lagoon is rather small. But there are many waterways in Louisiana to kayak. Some of my pictures, waves, sailboat and gull, and pontoon bridge were all taken in the kayak type waters. Thank you for commenting.
Guest - Dec 28, 2004 11:22 PM EDT
great place for my kayak to be, T
Guest - Dec 28, 2004 09:41 AM EDT
have just seen this one, Dud. really like it, and know what you mean about the leaves framing it too. have done some that way too, it does make a nice effect, imo.
Guest - Dec 28, 2004 09:13 AM EDT
Thanks Alandra
Guest - Dec 20, 2004 09:02 PM EDT
Thanks I did have an option there. I could have walked a few feet over and not had the branches. I said self the branches aren't in your way, they are framing. So I am glad that you understood it that way too.
Guest - Dec 20, 2004 06:12 PM EDT
Nice one. I like the framing provided by the branches.

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