Ashleigh's Bubble

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Views: 355
Member: GAV
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My granddaughter Ashleigh made this huge bubble out of a large hoop and detergent that she had in the birdbath


Guest - May 23, 2007 12:45 AM EDT
Bernie thankyou, yes I have had a great teacher. I am getting there with the net, esp tlf. The birds may be false but they keep the real birds away from my fishpond.
Guest - May 22, 2007 07:45 AM EDT
Well GAV, this goes to show you aare far more clever than you give yourself credit for - both with the capture and the net. You obviously had a great teacher too:) Cool capture, and great bubble. Now that you've signed up, I'm guessing those poor grandchildren of yours will be subject to many more photos. And those Bay Birds will be the cleanest birds in the country :)
Guest - May 22, 2007 02:51 AM EDT
Thankyou Tania, Don and Alandra, for your comments. Took awhile to get this photo. The bubbles came in all sizes. Yes the birdbath was scrubbed clean. The bird in the fishpond is a decoy. My husband used to go duckshooting.
Guest - May 21, 2007 09:52 PM EDT
that's some huge bubble, I love them. hope you removed the soapy water after, so as not to harm the birds :)
Guest - May 21, 2007 06:02 PM EDT
Very cool bubble. That is a big one GAV! And you'll have some really clean birds too :-). Great capture. Don
Guest - May 21, 2007 04:44 AM EDT
Gav welcome and fantasic you did it all yourself. Keep them coming

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