As Night Falls

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Member: Jas
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About This Image

Looking across the beach towards a pier and restaurant, on Paradise Island, in the Maldives.
We were out on an evening's stroll, along the beach, and noticed how the lights, from the pier, reflected in the water. We had only just bought our EOS300D (as a retirement treat) and this was one of the first shots taken with it.
Thanks for looking. :)


Jas - Aug 04, 2008 09:12 AM EDT
Wow! What a lot of comments here. Thank you ALL so much for your thoughts and feedback and am really happy you enjoyed this posting. :)
anne - Jul 14, 2008 02:48 PM EDT
Of course, I noticed all the wonderful fairyland creatures in the sky first, then the lights floating - with a wave - across the water!! They ran in and touched the land - just for fun and to add more glamor to the sand. *g* A beautiful picture. Wish I could visit.
Cindy - Jul 05, 2008 05:39 AM EDT
A new camera!! Thats what I've been debating over!! Your image is beautiful and it looks very warm and inviting :)
alandrapal - Jul 05, 2008 03:22 AM EDT
agreeing with all the other comments Jas, it does look lovely there.
shutterbug - Jul 04, 2008 03:48 PM EDT
Lovely Scene with the lights reflecting in the water. Carol
marysham - Jul 04, 2008 09:47 AM EDT
You captured a beautiful scene Jas. Gorgeous reflections of the lights and the empty bench and beach chair on the beach add interest to the photo.
A.Lovely - Jul 03, 2008 10:45 AM EDT
Beautifully captured, Jas. The reflection of the lights on the water are so enjoyable to view.
chriss35 - Jul 03, 2008 10:36 AM EDT
Beautiful Jas, the lighting and colours are lovely. Looks to be a nice place for a holiday, enjoyed viewing thanks Chriss:)
Karen Moen - Jul 03, 2008 09:04 AM EDT
Lucky you to visit the Maldives. I have seen some beautiful pictures from there. This is a lovely night shot with the lights lighting the water.
talsi - Jul 03, 2008 08:56 AM EDT
Lovely shot.

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