Arizona Quail

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Member: bubbalinn
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I just happened to notice my dog Spud looking strangely up at our trees. I then spotted three quail in the tree. I love the quails head feather pointing up, too cool...These birds are very hard to get photos of because they can see you way before you see them, and they run along the ground disappearing into the brush. Well I grabbed my camera and got two shots off before they took off. This was for sure my lucky day.


bubbalinn - Mar 31, 2008 01:24 PM EDT
Hi Ann, Thanks so much for your wonderful comment. This Quail was keeping a close eye on Spud and I. They were up high enough in the tree where old fat Spud could not get to them lol.. They do fade into the desert with there brown colors, the only time you can spot them is when they move. They sure are a strange bird. They would rather run along the ground than fly.
A.Lovely - Mar 30, 2008 11:02 PM EDT
This photo is great. What a wonderful capture of the Quail,Alan. I love the look in this birds eyes. He's looking at you. Wouldn't it be great if you can get a family of quail, in the near future? The photo is so clear and the coloring of the bird is keeping it safe unless Spud gets to it.
bubbalinn - Mar 30, 2008 03:30 PM EDT
Hi Alandra, and Carol.. Thanks for checking out my photo and for leaving your nice comments. I'm glad I got to show you a bird you have not seen. Well Alandra maybe this year will be my lucky year and I get a shot of a quail family. Don't hold your breath though...
shutterbug - Mar 30, 2008 04:53 AM EDT
Great capture of the Quail, I have never seen one in the wild either. Carol
alandrapal - Mar 30, 2008 02:09 AM EDT
cute little beggar, Alan. Nice shot. Have never seen a quail in the wild. There is a book with the title "That Quail, Robert". My boss gave me a copy of it, (years ago) but I haven't read it yet. I'd also love to see the baby quails running behind their mothers.
bubbalinn - Mar 29, 2008 08:12 PM EDT
Hi Jas, Thanks for the nice thoughts about my photo. I think this is a female, the other quail have brighter colors. I was surprised that they were in the tree, let alone in my fenced in yard. Oh, Spuds under my computer table like usual and he says Thanks woof woof...
Jas - Mar 29, 2008 06:14 PM EDT
The quail looks rather regal perched on that branch. He has lovely subtle colouring and looks a bit bigger than the ones we have here. Tell Spud "Well spotted". :)

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