Amiens door close-up

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As promised, a close-up of the carvings above the door to Amiens cathedral.

At the bottom is justice with her scales, weighing the lives of the dead. In the frieze abover her is an angel on the left shepherding the saved (fully clothed) to heaven, whilst on the right a devil does the same for the damned (naked). Above again is God on his throne and various saints in attendance.

A very vivid visual aid to remind the citizens of Amiens what awaits them if they're not careful!


Guest - Jan 15, 2007 06:11 PM EDT
Thanks Whittler. You are certainly right, those medieval craftsmen were something else.
Guest - Jan 15, 2007 04:59 PM EDT
WOW!! what a great shot,I couldn't immagine carving that in wood,and someone did that in stone.That is real craftsmanship,thanks for the close-up.
Guest - Jan 15, 2007 01:51 PM EDT
You're welcome Don, and thanks for suggesting it!
Guest - Jan 15, 2007 08:50 AM EDT
Very interesting Steve. An unbelieveable amount of work went into this. Amazing to think about, such detail. I imagine over the years it convinced many to walk the straight and narrow :-). Great shot of a stunning piece of work. Thanks for the closer view. Don
Guest - Jan 15, 2007 07:01 AM EDT
Thought I'd mention that when these statues were carved they were painted and gilded - that must have been worth seeing!
Guest - Jan 15, 2007 06:45 AM EDT
Thanks Lorraine, Mary, Tania and Carol. I was pleased how well this small fragment of the original frame stood up to the considerable enlargement necessary, without too much loss of resolution.
Guest - Jan 15, 2007 06:09 AM EDT
Beautiful carving and history. Carol
Guest - Jan 15, 2007 02:50 AM EDT
the detail in this photo is wonderful. The workmanship you have captured is breathtaking. Beautiful photo
Guest - Jan 14, 2007 09:25 PM EDT
The stone work on this cathedral is amazing as is the history. Well done Steve and thanks for sharing. I did a google search and found additional interesting info.
Guest - Jan 14, 2007 07:51 PM EDT
Good to see a close up of this, very interesting, so much work gone into it.

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