Amiens 4

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About This Image

An old building opposite the cathedral in Amiens, where pilgrims used to stay during their visits to the shrines.

Another "tardis" has got in the way, and I was in two minds whether to crop it out, but then I'd have lost the tower to the left which I thought would be a pity.


Guest - Jan 27, 2007 10:37 AM EDT
Interesting about the Tardis. And I agree that the tower should be kept in the photo as it just looks better with it in. Anyhow - nice job.
Guest - Jan 24, 2007 08:19 AM EDT
Hi Alandra - the tardis is a very British thing! It was the time machine in a long-running children's sci-fi programme called Dr Who, and it looked like an old style police box from the outside. On the inside it was much bigger, and was a very modern space ship that travelled through time as well. Anyway, these grey things scattered about this square in Amiens look very much like the Tardis.
Guest - Jan 24, 2007 05:23 AM EDT
have to admit, you've lost me on this "tardis" thing. have never heard of it :)
Guest - Jan 23, 2007 05:17 PM EDT
OK Steve, too late though :-). I already did one of LF image. It is a quicky that took about 10 minutes, but not bad. It could be done much nicer with a little time and effort. But you'll get the idea, I'm going to go post it now. Don
Guest - Jan 23, 2007 04:11 PM EDT
Thanks Don! Much appreciated. I know what you mean about the old sailing ship bit. I didn't try cloning because I'm not very good at that sort of thing if I'm not sure what should be "behind" the offending item, if you get my meaning. I'd be very grateful if you would have a go and show me what can be done. But don't waste your efforts on a download of the tlf image: I'll send you the proper file by e-mail! Steve
Guest - Jan 23, 2007 03:47 PM EDT
Neat shot of the old girl. It puts me to mind of an old sailing ship. Very nice work Steve. The Tardis isn't a problem now that we know what they are ;-). But did you try cloning it out? Maybe I'll give it a shot if you don't mind. Don
Guest - Jan 23, 2007 03:34 PM EDT
Thanks for your comments, Carol, Mike and Lorraine. Yes, Mike, it does look a bit like an olde worlde pub in England!
Guest - Jan 23, 2007 02:41 PM EDT
A very interesting inage, very nice.
Guest - Jan 23, 2007 02:00 PM EDT
the tardis i can for give on this as yes if you did lop it off you would lose the composition of this so yes correct on leaving it in .. lovely quaint building looks like a old pub
Guest - Jan 23, 2007 11:10 AM EDT
Lovely Photo! Carol

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