Amazing Grace

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Score: 32.08
Views: 610
Member: Doug Hough
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About This Image

Straight shot taken during a morning walk with our dog.


Wow, this is in ever

Zaylin - Apr 19, 2016 11:10 PM EDT
Wow, this is in every resepct what I needed to know.
Art57 - Feb 08, 2009 06:00 PM EDT
Great photo. Has the developement progressed? If not, perhaps show some of your pictures of the area to local politicians and preservation groups. We can only try. Remember, every picture speaks a thousand words and ones like this one speak volumes!
alandrapal - May 04, 2008 05:10 AM EDT
in agreement, the lighting is lovely, also the depth. Also, about the development of so many beautiful places. I hope the proposal for this land will be defeated, as some of the others were. All over the world this desecration is happening, and all or mostly for greed.
azkul - Apr 22, 2008 08:01 PM EDT
Stunning image. I really like the lighting of the plant.
A.Lovely - Feb 03, 2008 12:34 PM EDT
Oh, such a well captured photograph. The lighting, the colors of green, the clearly captured textures of the grass. Outstanding in to my eye.
anne - Feb 02, 2008 06:25 PM EDT
I love the LIGHT in this picture. From the dark background to the lovely brightness and the sturdiness of the green plant and long green grass. A lovely picture.
Guest - May 22, 2007 01:18 PM EDT
Hi May, I couldn't agree with you more. Several similar projects have failed here recently because of protests against them, but this one is still on the books (and being battled in court). Best Wishes, Doug
Guest - May 21, 2007 10:04 AM EDT
Lovely shot. Sad, isn't it, that "progress" isn't viewed by desecration of the earth. I believe that. I think a lot of us here feel the same way.
Guest - Jun 07, 2006 09:08 PM EDT
Oh, I love how the soft light is highlighting the little shrub
Guest - Feb 25, 2006 02:02 PM EDT
Hi Karen, There are hills surrounding our town here and they're very beautiful. Trees are blooming, grass is a foot high and everything is intensely green. I take my dog for long walks through them almost every day. He can run free there and splash around in the creeks. Sometime in the next year, or two, a developer plans on building a private golf course there, with 1100 "executive homes," another school, and a retail shopping center. I decided I would take my cameras along each day and record the peaceful beauty of the place so I could remember how it was. But when I stared this project I was overwhelmed by the beauty and my cameras could only catch a tiny piece of it's grandeur. It would be impossible to record it as you really see it. No matter which camera I used, or how hard I try, my images seem like so many postage stamps, none of them really seeing what's there. That's how I view this photo, sometimes you simply can't tell the real story with your camera. Doug
Guest - Feb 25, 2006 06:53 AM EDT
Beautiful lighting and color. Has a really nice depth.

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