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Member: Alfresco
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When you look closely, it's amazing what you see....


Alfresco - Oct 04, 2010 11:08 AM EDT
Thanks for the comments! Anne, this is the fruit on a vine that grows wild in this area (Western NY) that I haven't identified. It has ivory to white shaggy flowers in August-September, and isn't very common; I suspect it might be an escaped cultivated plant. If anyone knows what it is, please comment, I'd like to know. Bruce
A.Lovely - Oct 01, 2010 08:44 PM EDT
You're right Alfresco. It's amazing how wonderful the blossoms going to seed seem to be a new flower on it's own. Is it Clematis? The center color really brings out the beauty of this capture.
talsi - Sep 30, 2010 05:59 AM EDT
nice image

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