AA Box

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About This Image

An 'AA' Box in The Lake District, England. These boxes were used to call for vehicle breakdown assistance from the Automobile Association. They have now been replaced by modern telephones along the road side.


Jas - Mar 11, 2008 01:09 PM EDT
Thanks Talsi and Anne for commenting. Yes, it does look like an outhouse doesn't it? Actually, that would be a very good facility to offer, as they're usually few and far between. LOL :)
Guest - Dec 12, 2007 02:36 PM EDT
I agree with Talsi, as that is just what I thought, also. *g* Beautifully elegant!
Guest - Dec 10, 2007 11:25 AM EDT
Reminded me of an elegant out house.
Guest - Dec 01, 2007 05:39 PM EDT
Thank you for taking the trouble to look at this photo, Alfresco. I think the boxes only housed a telephone, although I've never seen inside one. I guess it could be a bit like Dr. Who's Tardis, with an infinite amount of space?? Maybe someone could enlighten me?
Guest - Dec 01, 2007 01:49 PM EDT
Is it bigger on the inside than on the outside? Nicely documented bit of history!

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