A Warm Spot

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Member: A.Lovely
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Brook Trout (labrador) lying near the stove where it is warm.


A.Lovely - May 03, 2009 05:58 PM EDT
This is Brook Trout and this year she went to be with all the "good dogs" that went before her. She was very sick with cancer. She loved this spot by the warmth of the wood stove. My daughter had a very difficult time when Brook passed. She still has Dakota another yellow lab. Brook was a sweet dog. Thanks Alan for making a comment on this capture.
bubbalinn - Apr 16, 2009 08:07 PM EDT
What a wonderful photo!! It sure does give you a warm feeling. It's fun to look around the room. Brook and the old stove sure are a perfect match. ~Alan~
A.Lovely - Apr 16, 2009 02:23 PM EDT
Alandra, thank you for such a nice comment. I've been off the internet for a period of time and just getting back to viewing the TLF.
alandrapal - Feb 14, 2009 03:29 AM EDT
Hi Anne, have only just found this image, - love it. Our Lucy (younger Lab) is at vet hospital right now, recovering from surgery to her hind leg yesterday.
A.Lovely - Feb 16, 2008 06:11 PM EDT
Thank you Jas for viewing my photo. Yes, my daughter's kitchen is always warm and she makes all feel welcome.
Jas - Feb 16, 2008 12:30 PM EDT
This shot gives off so much warmth, I'm not surprised Brook is so contented where she is! I love all the contrasting colours in this shot; it's a very 'welcoming' photo'.
A.Lovely - Feb 16, 2008 11:51 AM EDT
Yes, Karen I do think Brook might be smiling. She was looking at her Mistress. :-) Brook is a sweetheart that one.
Karen Moen - Feb 16, 2008 03:31 AM EDT
This just proves how smart dogs really are! Lol! Is that a smile I see?
A.Lovely - Feb 15, 2008 11:05 AM EDT
Lorraine yes, you are right. The warmth from the wood stoves entices the dogs to stretch out near by. My daughter has a modern stove that she uses regularly so Brook Trout and Dakota (dog children) can enjoy the spot on the rug.
lorraine - Feb 15, 2008 02:32 AM EDT
It's so funny but they take over the warm spots in the house during the winter months, mine just won't move either. lovely capture.

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