A Treat for Me or the Doe?

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My neighbors have been handfeeding this doe for over a week now. I was delighted when she not only accepted the corn from me, but also allowed me to pet her. The fawn in the background belongs to another doe, just outside the camera lens. My neighbor, Larry, took this for me.


Guest - Aug 08, 2007 12:27 PM EDT
Hi Karen - your concern is what bothers me too, in spite of the thrill of this moment. Fortunately, this is a 'No Hunting' area as it's heavily populated year-round. The deer seem to know where the boundaries are. This portion of the resort is mostly RVers and tenters with beautiful, wooded sites. It's not unusual to come home at 12:45 am (I work from 4 pm - 12:30 am), and see deer lying down in the grass on vacant sites. Even when walking or driving past them they may look up a moment from their grazing, but only a loud voice will set up their 'flags' (tails) and even then, they don't move too far. In Southwest Michigan we also see hunters trying to lure the deer into their areas during the off season. That really bothers me. Vicki
Guest - Aug 08, 2007 04:56 AM EDT
A great picture of you and your friend. I would worry more about hunters since this deer has lost her fear of humans, she would make an easy target. It happens here in Texas unfortunately.
Guest - Aug 08, 2007 01:33 AM EDT
Thank you Alex and Alan. I'm surprised you and Carol haven't 'made friends' with some of them Alex - they also lap at hummer feeders! Alan, it was a special feeling - she has no fear of humans at all. Vicki
Guest - Aug 08, 2007 12:19 AM EDT
Great photo Vicki... From looking at that big smile on your face I would say the treat was for you.. I'm glad you got to enjoy it's company....
Guest - Aug 07, 2007 05:57 PM EDT
WOW!! I'll bet that just made your day ,what a great shot.
Guest - Aug 07, 2007 02:44 PM EDT
Thank you, Ikka and Steve for commenting. Ultimately, that's my concern too, Steve. Ironically, there are very few deer killed by reckless drivers through this area, and when vehicles pass, they wait at the side of the road until they do - and then cross. The young fawns haven't learned that trick yet - but fortunately those who live in this area are more at to be cautious in these winding roadways.
Guest - Aug 07, 2007 01:02 PM EDT
A great shot, but a moral dilemma!
Guest - Aug 07, 2007 05:46 AM EDT
A lovely image, Vic, indeed, it's different, a handheld animal and one of the wildlife, for that, it would not works good. I understand your happiness, Thanks for sharing it.
Guest - Aug 07, 2007 01:51 AM EDT
Thank you for your great comments, lorraine, Carol, Don and Beverly. I just hope that she doesn't become so friendly that she loses all her caution. But her friendliness is quite infectious. A buck also appears to be close to letting us hand-feed him too - we'll see. Vicki
Guest - Aug 06, 2007 10:23 PM EDT
i would say that that was a treat for you. How nice to be able to pet a wild animal.
Guest - Aug 06, 2007 06:25 PM EDT
Very cool capture Vicki! I bet you were very happy to be able to feed and pet her like that. Neat! Great shot! Don
Guest - Aug 06, 2007 06:16 PM EDT
Lovely photo Vicki. Carol
Guest - Aug 06, 2007 04:54 PM EDT
Its a special thing to have a normally wild animal let you feed and pat them, very nice capture.

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