A Cool Drink

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Member: bubbalinn
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About This Image

This is my latests attempt at taking photos of the Hummingbirds that visit my front yard.


Guest - Nov 01, 2006 01:00 PM EDT
brilliant picture exelent timing to get the pose i salute you
Guest - Oct 31, 2006 01:44 PM EDT
Thanks very much Alandra, Mary, Carol, and Alex for the great comments :-) Alandra, summer is still here in Arizona, our winter starts in December, then our winter it might get down to 32 degrees once or twice. Mary I don't know about me being in a good bird area, most of them are small and super paranoid and hard to sneak up on. I'm still trying Carol on getting a good close up of the Hummingbirds, it might take me another two years.. That is strange Whittler about the bubbler. The Hummingbirds love mine. They will stand right next to it and push there bellies into the water. Maybe it is because it's 110 degrees here in the summer. I made my birdbath out of power plant stuff, it weighs 500 pounds. It is sitting on a 6 inch diameter metal pipe cemented into the ground, the bowl is a cap off of a mill that is four feet in diameter and two inches thick, just the bowl weighs 400 pounds. The center is made from water pump parts and those parts are around 100 pounds. The water pump I have pumps four gallons a minuet.
Guest - Oct 31, 2006 09:04 AM EDT
WOW!! very nice,I tried making a bubbler like that and they wouldn't go near it.
Guest - Oct 31, 2006 07:07 AM EDT
Great action shot of the hummer,I to will be so glad when they return here next summer.Take lots of pics of them so we can see them. Carol
Guest - Oct 31, 2006 12:27 AM EDT
Nice capture Alan....yes you guys that get to photo all of the wonderful birds are lucky to live in "birding territory". :)
Guest - Oct 31, 2006 12:06 AM EDT
Lucky You!, having hummingbirds visiting at this time of year!! Nice shot, Alan. Just maybe it's the same little guy/gal who was at our water fountain earlier this summer.

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