A Bird in the Hand

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Member: whittler113
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I never would have believed that I would ever have a tufted titmouse in the palm of my hand long enough to get a shot if it, but here it is.


whittler113 - Feb 14, 2009 10:56 AM EDT
Another one of those birds I had to rescue from our porch even though one side is open.
sparkle1103 - Jan 27, 2009 05:28 PM EDT
...is worth 2 in the bush. Great shot and great detail.
whittler113 - Jan 20, 2009 03:36 PM EDT
Thanks Bob for your commentI sure was glad I had that S5IS hanging around my neck when I went outside. Fortunately I already had it set on the aperature priority so I didn't have to change any settings with a bird in one hand and the camera in the other.LOL
RMCSPHOTOGALLERY - Jan 19, 2009 09:18 PM EDT
Hi Alex--Beautiful picture. That S5IS sure takes beautiful pictures. Lucky you. Bob C.
whittler113 - Jan 19, 2009 06:55 PM EDT
WOW!! thanks for all the great comments,I found this little guy on my porch this morning .He had hit one of the windows and was on the floor.I picked him up and kept him warmfor about 15 minutes.I just happened to have my camera with me.After he had regained his composure,he sat in my hand for about 5 minutes longer so I could get a few shots of him and then he flew off.I guess he knew he was in good hands.
A.Lovely - Jan 19, 2009 06:35 PM EDT
So nice to view, Whittler. Boy I sure don't know how you got this capture, but it's wonderful. The clarity and composition are very well done.
bubbalinn - Jan 19, 2009 06:29 PM EDT
WOW!! What a wonderful photo and experiance... I don't think you will ever forget this :) It must have recognized you as a friend who feeds him, and with it so cold figured it was going to get warm or die trying LOL...
Alfresco - Jan 19, 2009 05:23 PM EDT
Great shot, sharp focus and good DOF. And good composure on your part, just to get the shot! We sometimes get chickadees to take seed from our hands, but they're usually there and gone in milliseconds.
talsi - Jan 19, 2009 05:19 PM EDT
Nice experience - how'd you get him to sit there?
lorraine - Jan 19, 2009 04:50 PM EDT
Lovely capture, great that you got to hold this little guy.

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