Endless Stairs

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Member: runzwthscizzerz
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This was on the way off the roof(explaned in "North Flagler Drive")and back to the streets.
Befor I could take another step I looked over the edge and saw that the stairs seemed to be endless like they would take you stright to Hell itself. I could only imagine how much better this picture would be If I had a lensBaby and a Minolta 24mm wide angle lens.

I used my Maxxum 5D and 35-105mm f/3.5-4.5 at 35mm.
set at 1/100sec, f/3.5, ISO3200 all in A.P. mode.


azkul - Jan 12, 2011 06:54 PM EDT
I immediately thought of Escher as well when I saw this pic.
Matt - Jan 09, 2011 06:28 AM EDT
And lets hope the power remains on until the lift hits G
Karen Moen - Jan 08, 2011 02:55 AM EDT
I second the Escher comment. I like the tight crop and composition.
Alfresco - Jan 06, 2011 03:34 PM EDT
Nice shot, very "M. C. Escher"ish.

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